The calendar in ParentVUE will show you school and district events and also will show you due dates for your child's assignments. If the assignment has been corrected, you will also see the score.
There are several ways to view the calendar. On the top left hand side there are three drop down boxes.
The first drop down box on the left hand side lets you see all the assignments, or just by a specific teacher.
The second drop down box lets you view which type of assignments (ie classwork, tests, quizzes, etc) you would like to filter by.
The third lets you view by if the assignment is due, missing or not scored yet.
On the right hand side you can change how the calendar is viewed.
The option on the very right hand side is the full month view.
The option to the left of that is the list view by week.
The option closest to the middle is a list view by day.